
Monday, May 20, 2013

New Enterprise Content Management System for Ubuntu Server

Nuxeo, an open source enterprise content management company, recently announced the availability of the Nuxeo Document Management software within the Ubuntu partner catalog. This ensures the ease of installation and implementation amongst developers creating Ubuntu-specific content management application. The new software package was created in partnership with Canonical to ease installation, customization and upgrades.

Nuxeo and Ubuntu Relationship
Since there are many more organizations running content applications through the Ubuntu software, working in conjunction with Nuxeo guarantees combined customers being able to access the support and services they require to develop an open source strategy. Demand for the Ubuntu system is drastically increasing as partners utilize it for new application development.

Advantages of the Enterprise Content Management System
Customers are searching for a modular, flexible content management system that was based on industry standards, best practices and is price accordingly. Therefore, the Ubuntu operating system required standardized requirements to be successful. So far, this has eased development and usage.

Growth of Ubuntu by the Nuxeo Customer Base
Ubuntu has been a supporting system for the Nuxeo Enterprise Platform for a long time. With the new packaged applications and continued growth throughout the Nuxeo customer base, Ubuntu has become the primary choice for most Nuxeo developers. The distribution of Ubuntu is perfect for the deployment of massive cloud systems and is even used by Nuxeo in its public cloud products.

Participation by Knowledgeable Communities
Nuxeo continues to seek participation from the Ubuntu and Debian communities who hold a high level of knowledge with regards to the packaging and operation of mission critical application across many Linux servers and large usage. Nuxeo supports all community contributions including the development of content applications and other add-ons for the platform.

Company Information about Nuxeo
Nuxeo offers a flexible, modular and scalable document management application that is packaged with a variety of other add-ons that provide solutions for digital asset and case management. The platform is completely designed with developers in mind utilizing advanced technologies, plug-in models and an extensive packaging capability. The Enterprise Content Management System is trusted by over 1000 organizations in 145 countries.

The Nuxeo system working with Ubuntu servers appears to be a huge relief for developers due to the automation of many tasks, excellent support and ease of installation. This should help improve the current software applications that are available to the public.

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